We proudly presents our ChatGPT guide which is focused on passive income generation using AI and ChatGPT.
What’s This Guide All About?
It’s your go-to resource for generating income using ChatGPT, presented in simple, clear language, understandable to everyone and covered with real-life examples.
There are 17 niches covered (like Affiliate Marketing, Social Media, Books, etc.) and for each niche, there are:
Before the juicy part, there is an introduction (made for beginners and non-technical people) to AI and ChatGPT with a carefully written explanation of all the needed terms, a quick crash course into the prompt engineering with “good-bad” prompt examples, and a lot (230) of “act-as” examples to enable you to turn your ChatGPT into the desired role to get the best results (for example: “Act as a travel agent. Design unforgettable travel itineraries for adventurous honeymooners.”)
Inside the Guide:
Key Features: